Age of empires ii the conquerors update v1 0c
Age of empires ii the conquerors update v1 0c

Heated Shot now increases tower attack and Castle attack vs.Parthian Shot increases Cavalry Archer and Mangudai attack vs.Shipwright now also decreases ship build time.Now these technologies only cost food & wood. Treadmill Crane, Masonry, Architecture, Hoardings, Fortified Wall, Guard Tower, and Keep have had their stone cost replaced with wood or food.Palisade walls get +3 additional Pierce armor.Loom provides +1 additional Pierce armor.Bombard Towers now do piercing damage instead of normal damage (the major effect is vs.Korean War Wagon cost increased to 120 wood 60 gold.Fireships & Fast Fireships have additional armor vs.Galleys now take 60 seconds to produce (War Galleys & Galleons still take 45 seconds).Scout Cavalry get +2 attack in the Feudal Age.Cavalry Archers now have equal range to Heavy Cavalry Archers.Training time for Teutonic Knights, Longboats, Tarkans, and Samurai is significantly reduced.Bombard Cannons cause +80 additional damage to buildings.Celtic Woad Raiders now move faster (they run faster than Eagle Warriors who lack Squires).Viking Berserks now move as fast as pikemen.Camels are now as quick to train as spearmen.All archery range units (except Hand Cannoneers) now do +1 additional damage to Spearman-line units.Fire rate for Conquistadors and Elite Conquistadors is also improved. Spanish Hand Cannoneer and Bombard Cannons fire 15% faster.War Wagon and Elite War Wagon range is reduced.Turtle Ship artwork is changed to be more realistic.Turtle Ships have Heated Shot and additional armor vs.Shinkichon increases Onager range by +1 instead of +2.Japanese infantry get 25% attack speed bonus starting in the Feudal Age.Goth infantry cost 25% less starting in the Feudal Age.Chinese start with 50 less food (for a total of -200 food).

age of empires ii the conquerors update v1 0c

Start The Conquerors Expansion 1.0 using the new shortcut, then play The Conquerors Expansion 1.0 recorded game.Create a shortcut to Program Files\Microsoft Games\Age of Empires II\Conquerors\Age2_X1.EXE, with the Start In folder set to Program Files\Microsoft Games\Age of Empires II.Copy the following files from your Conquerors 1.0 disc to the new Conquerors folder:.In the Program Files\Microsoft Games\Age of Empires II folder (or wherever you installed the game), create a Conquerors folder.To play a Conquerors Expansion 1.0 recorded game: To play a Conquerors Expansion 1.0 recorded game after installing the Conquerors Expansion 1.0B update, you must temporarily revert to The Conquerors Expansion 1.0. For example, you cannot play a Conquerors Expansion 1.0 recorded game using The Conquerors Expansion 1.0B update. Recorded games can only be played using the same version of The Conquerors Expansion that was used to record the game. For example, you cannot play a multiplayer game between The Conquerors Expansion 1.0 and The Conquerors 1.0B update. If you are playing a multiplayer game, all players must be using the same version of Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion.

Age of empires ii the conquerors update v1 0c