Now you might want to sit down for this next part, because it’s sure to come as a surprise. Thanks to a slick new engine the character models look as good as they ever have, with every bead of sweat glistening on Jann Lee’s body visible after a rousing victory. If you’re worried that they’ll be dressed like nuns though don’t stress, both the ladies and fellas are still dressed to impress.Īll of your DOA favourites are here – Jann Lee, Ryu Hayabusa, Tina, Leifang and the rest of the crew – all with their own movesets, styles and costumes for you to play around with. Furthermore, gone are most of the overly sexualised outfits, which is a long overdue change and should hopefully broaden its appeal to those that have condemned it in the past. Feel like you’ve got what it takes to make a name for yourself online? Jump online and see if you can walk the talk. Had a tough day at work and feel like giving someone a beat down? Take Arcade Mode for a spin.

Like many fighters, it’s easy to pick up and play without having to master commands and combos in order to have fun. I mean after all it’s a fighting game, there’s not much to them apart from allowing you to beat the crap out of the computer, your mates or strangers online in legally sanctioned donnybrooks.īut what Dead or Alive 6 (DOA6) does get right it excels in, which is being a fun, fast-paced and intuitive fighter. Now don’t go thinking that Team Ninja has thrown the recipe book out the window and reinvented the wheel here, because if you’ve ever played a Dead or Alive game before then you pretty much know what to expect.