Get up, Get Dressed, Get Moving Hospital poster - version 2 (Word, 1. Duke encourages faculty, students, and staff to get fit and healthy with the Get Moving Challenge, Dukes annual wellness competition.Get up, Get Dressed, Get Moving Hospital poster - version 2 (PDF, 489 KB, 1 page).Get up, Get Dressed, Get Moving Hospital Poster - version 1 (Word, 2.66 MB, 1 page).Get up, Get Dressed, Get Moving Hospital poster - version 1 (PDF, 943 KB, 1 page).60 day challenge Ireland (PDF, 1.74 MB, 5 pages).The possibilities of event-style fundraisers are endless. It also will encourage sharing learning and best practice. Schools that have previously done their own Fun Run (or other athon fundraiser) average raising 2 to 3 times more the first year teaming up with us. Managed through a web application it collects data to on numbers of patients mobile and dressed and evaluates outcome measures and learnings. Start planning your move today with the Mayflower moving quotes and estimate tool. The 60 day challenge is an initiative to get patients up dressed and moving. Get Up, Get Dressed, Get Moving staff information leaflet (Word, 1.37 MB, 6 pages) 60 Day Challenge Get Up, Get Dressed, Get Moving staff information leaflet (PDF, 710 KB, 6 pages) Get Up, Get Dressed, Get Moving patient information leaflet (PDF, 1.41 MB, 7 pages) Get Up, Get Dressed, Get Moving (PDF, 3.26 MB, 12 pages) Resources to support Get up Get dressed Get moving Check out the Move Your Way resources to learn easy tips and tricks to. Develop a suite of resources to support the implementation of Get up, Get dressed, Get moving at home, in the community, in residential care and the acute hospital settings It can be hard to find time to work physical activity into your busy schedule.Engage with health professionals and citizens to co-design a national campaign that will support and empower people to participate in activity to maintain their physical and mental wellbeing.The objectives of the Get up, Get dressed, Get moving campaign: Get up Get dressed Get moving is a national campaign to promote independence and embed the concept of early and ongoing movement into culture and practice across health and social care. FOI Disclosure log and other information that we publishĪll evidence shows that when patients get up, get dressed and get moving, they have better outcomes than those who remain in bed.HSE Operational performance and Integration.National Quality and Patient Safety Directorate.National Office for Human Rights and Equality Policy.Values in Action - Our People, Our Culture.National Healthcare Communication Programme.Community Pharmacy Contractor Agreement.Spotlight: Workplace Health and Wellbeing Unit.Strategic Workforce Planning & Intelligence.Your Personal Information - You and Your Health Service.Patients awaiting admission (TrolleyGAR).Social Inclusion, Asylum Seekers, Travellers Get Enrollment Moving is a non-profit community based resource at Emanate Health Queen of the Valley Hospital to help you and your family obtain needed.