"I'd love to take 'ya there! Maybe I'll actually get to battle one of those guardians this time." She snickered a bit. I want to take Nebby to visit Ula'ula's ruins, but.they are located in a deep desert. "I assume this is about Nebby? Given how eager they are to go, after all." Lillie giggled a little as Nebby calmed down, nodding. Moon snickered a little watching it happen. She grabbed at it to stop Nebby from moving around so much. "Oh, hello Moon! Good timing, I had actually wanted to try and ask you something."Īs she said this, her bag began to ruffle around, with Nebby inside making their trademark "Pew!" as they did. She smiled a bit after turning around and recognizing who it was. She was interrupted out of her thoughts by the shout of Moon from the distance, who startled her a little. Lillie felt like if she was to grow, she had to do so on her own. Right? She had her friends, but they couldn't be there for her all the time, and it was selfish for her to rely on them so often. She'd do this, feel great, and then she wouldn't feel as anxious or worried about things anymore. But, well, she had done so much good so far, and she had been feeling very optimistic lately, so.surely, she could do this one thing on her own, right? Normally she'd be with the Professor, but he had been waiting at the Malie Garden for Moon and Hau, who were a bit busy having a battle the second they got off the ship. Or anywhere on Ula'ula Island, for that matter. This was a rather silly thing to be worried about, she thought, but.well, she had never been to Malie City before.

She took a deep breath as she gathered her courage to overcome her fears.

It is your first time in this place, but you will be able to find that library. Lillie stood outside the entrance to Malie City, collecting her thoughts.